How I Can I Set Up My MacBook 2016 Pro?

One of the most-anticipated devices this year aside from the iPhone  7 is the latest version of the MacBook Pro. The MacBook Pro 2016 is believed to be one of Apple’s sleeper hits this year as the iPhone7 hype overwhelms the Internet. This new version of the MacBook has all types of goodies in store for Apple fans.

macbook pro 2016

So what do you do once you purchased a MacBook Pro 2016? Whether you have an old MacBook that you need to transfer important files from,or you’re simply starting from scratch figuring out how you can set up your brand new spanking MacBook Pro, it’s best to use best practices in setting up your MacBook.

Here are some essential tips in setting up your MacBook Pro 2016:

Unboxing your MacBook Pro 2016

Unbox your MacBook by carefully taking it out from its box. Keep in mind that Apple packaged and secured this MacBook for travel purposes as well. This box is pretty durable so don’t throw the box away so you can use it if move out to a new apartment or you need to take the MacBook to the Apple store again.

Attach the power cable to the rear of the MacBook and plug it into an outlet. Place the keyboard and mouse via the USB port as well. Once you connect all these devices, press the Power button to hear the trademark Apple chime that will start up your MacBook. The Setup Assistant will show up and you need to follow the next set up steps.

Follow the Setup Assistant’s Instructions

macbook setup assistant

A set of options will appear on the screen for you to configure your user information and preferences. Choose your country then press continue. Pick your keyboard type based on the type of language you are using. The next step is to choose your Wi-FI network then enter your Wi-Fi details.

The next option will enable you to transfer data from your previous MacBook to your new MacBook 2016 using the Migration Assistant app. You can also skip this step if you to set up a clean and brand new sytem on your MacBook. Enable Location Services then enter your Apple ID and password. This will give you access to the Mac App Store. Click agree on the Terms and Conditions page.

Complete the Account Setup

macbook location

It’s time to set up a user account for your MacBook, but if you were able to migrate your old Mac’s user folder then there’s no need to do this. Fill out your name then create an user account name and a password. Create a strong password by including capital letters, numbers, and special characters. Enable the functions Allow My Apple ID to Reset This User’s Password and Require Password when logging in.

Select your Timezone after you agreed to the Location Services option. Adjust it if you travel alot and bring your Macbook with you. Follow these steps and agree to Send diagnostics and usage data to Apple and Share crash data with app developers.

You can now register your MacBook on the Apple portal to receive system updates and user support. Click Continue on the final Thank You screen. You’re now good to go try new features and functions of the MacBook Pro 2016.

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